SAP BOBI “4.1” course content
- 1. Introduction to SAP.
- 2. Introduction to Business Objects.
- 3. New features in SAP BO BI 4.1.
- 4. Data Warehousing Architecture.
- 5. Business Objects Architecture.
- 6. Data Modelling
- 7. ER Modelling
- 8. Dimensional Modelling.
- 9. Dimensional Tables.
- 10. Fact Tables.
- 11. Different types of Dimension Tables
- a. Conformed Dimension Tables
- b. Junk Dimension Tables
- c. De generative Dimension Table
- 12. Schema
- a. Star Schema
- b. Snowflake Schema
- c. Galaxy Schema.
- 13. Slowly Changing Dimensional Tables.
- 14. Fact Table.
- 15. Fact Less Fact Table.
- 16. Different Types of Facts or Measures
- 17. Bridge tables.
- 18. Lookup Tables.
- 19. Top Down Approach
- 20. Bottom Up Approach
- 21. ODS
- 22. Data Mart
- a. Dependent Data mart.
- b. Independent Data Mart.
- 23. Staging Area.
- 24. Granularity
- 25. Normalization
- 26. De normalization
- 27. OLTP
- 28. OLAP & Types of OLAPs
- 1. Introduction to Oracle Database.
- 2. Data Types.
- 3. SQL Statements.
- a. DDL –Data Definition Language.
- b. DML – Data Manipulation Language.
- c. DQL – Data Query language.
- d. DCL – Data controlling language.
- e. TCS - Transaction Controlling Language.
- 4. Build In functions.
- a. Character Functions
- b. Numeric Functions
- c. Data Functions
- d. Conversion Functions
- e. Aggregate Functions.
- 5. Joins:
- a. Inner Join
- b. Left Outer Join
- c. Right outer Join
- d. Full outer Join
- e. Cartesian Join
- f. Self Join
- g. Natural Join
- 6. Set Operators.
- a. Union
- b. Union All
- c. Intersect
- d. Minus
- 7. Sub Queries.
SAP BOBI 4.0 - Information Design Tool.
- 1. Creation of Project.
- 2. Relational Connection.
- 3. OLAP Connection.
- 4. Data Foundation Layer.
- 5. Business Layer.
- 6. Edit Connection.
- 7. Shortcut Connection.
- 8. Secured Connection.
- 9. Publishing Connection .
- 10. Publishing the Business layer.
- 11. Converting Repository Universe from Unv into Unx.
- 12. Publishing the Universe to Repository.
- 13. Publishing the Universe to Local.
- 14. Retrieving the Universe from Repository.
- 15. Multi Source Universe.
- 16. Data Foundation.
- 17. Insert tables in Data Foundation
- 18. Define Joins in Data Foundation.
- 19. Cordiality setting in Data Foundation.
- 20. Arrange Tables:
- 21. View Table values in Data Foundation.
- 22. Filter Table values in Data Foundation( Wont Impact in Reports O/P).
- 23. Edit Table values( Removing Columns , Changing Data types & Keys ) .
- 24. Calculated Column in Tables.
- 25. Sort and re-ordering the columns in Data Foundation.
- 26. Refresh Structure.
- 27. Derived tables.
- 28. Create Views.
- 29. Detect Join / Cordiality / Alias /Keys / Row Counts .
- 30. Resolving Loops.
- 31. Alias.
- 32. Context.
- 33. Business Layer:
- 34. Folders (Class)
- 35. Sub Folder ( Sub Class)
- 36. Objects
- 37. Dimension
- 38. Measure
- 39. Attribute
- 40. Filter .
- 41. Native Filter.
- 42. Business Filter.
- 43. Hide Folders , Objects & filters.
- 44. Show Script.
- 45. Show Values .
- 46. View Tables and Object Dependency .
- 47. Custom Navigation Path.
- 48. Queries .
- 49. Parameters and List of values.
- 50. Check Integrity.
- 51. Data Security.
- 52. Business Security.
SAP BOBI 4.0 BI launchPad & Web I Rich client:
- 1. BI launch pad: What's new in 4.0 .
- 2. Introducing Web Intelligence
- 3. Creating BI workspace.
- 4. Folders.
- 5. SAP Steam.
- 6. Scheduling a Document.
- 7. Working with Thin Clients.
- 8. Creating Web Intelligence Documents with Queries
- 9. Report Design in the Java Report Panel
- 10. Enhancing the Presentation of Reports
- 11. Formatting Reports
- 12. Creating Formulas and Variables
- 13. Drilling
- 14. Filtering data
- 15. Alerts
- 16. Input Control
- 17. Scheduling
- 18. Sharing Web Intelligence Documents .
- 19. Filter
- 20. Formula
- 21. Functions
- 22. Variable
- 23. Merge dimensions
- 24. Alert
- 25. Rank
- 26. Sort
- 27. Break
- 28. Section
- 29. Hyperlink
- 30. Page view
- 31. View Structure
- 32. Refresh
- 33. Purge
- 34. Drill Filter Tool bar
- 35. Drill
- 36. Snapshot
- 37. Download to PDF, Excel & CSV.
- 38. Export to CSV.
- 39. Scope of Analysis.
- 40. Database Rank.
- 41. Sub Query.
- 42. Combined Query.
- 43. Custom SQL.
- 44. Changing report source.
- 45. Hyperlink.
SAP BOBI 4.0 Universe Design Tool:
- 1. Connections.
- 2. Connection Types.
- 3. Universe parameters.
- 4. Parameters
- 5. Kinds of Joins.
- 6. Loops.
- 7. Context.
- 8. Aliases.
- 9. Class.
- 10. Sub Class.
- 11. Objects.
- 12. Condition Objects.
- 13. Functions
- 14. @Functions
- a. @Prompts
- b. @Select
- c. @Where
- d. @Variable
- 15. Cascading Prompts
- 16. Hierarchy.
- 17. LOV’s.
- 18. Cascading LOV’s .
- 19. Editing the LOV’s.
- 20. Derived tables
- 21. Check Integrity.
- 22. Implementing Security.
- 23. Universe options.
- 24. Universe Locking.
- 25. Linking Universe.
- 26. Security Implementation.
SAP BOBI 4.0 Dashboards.
- Introduction
- Layout system
- Grid system
- Components
- Themes
- Creating Project with bootstrap
Angular JS
- 1. What's new in SAP Business Objects Dashboards 4.0
- 2. Connection to BO universe by using QAAWS Connection.
- 3. Using Live Office Data.
- 4. Connecting to Query Builder.
- 5. Canvas
- 6. Components.
- 7. Component Properties.
- 8. Dynamic Visibility.
- 9. Drill option.
- 10. Developing Chart Dashboards.
- 11. Developing Maps Dashboards
- 12. Using Containers.
- 13. Uploading Images.
- 14. Calling Hyperlinks in Dashboards.
- 15. Getting around in Xcelsius
- 16. Working with your Excel workbook
- 17. Visualizing data with charts
- 18. Applying formatting options
- 19. Using themes and templates to apply formatting
- 20. Using selectors .
- 21. V lookup in Excel.
- 22. Adding dynamic visibility
- 23. Troubleshooting interactivity
- 24. Working with Business Requirements
Administration :
- 1. Setting up groups and users .
- 2. Taking Meta data backup.
- 3. Moving the code between environmants.
- 4. Handling Services.
- 5. License Up gradation.
- 6. Organizing and changing Folders & Categories
- 7. Time Out sessions .
- 8. Instance Management.
- 9. Managing Servers
- 10. Connections .
- 11. Migrating form Lower version to Existing version.
- 12. Controlling Universes
- 13. Scheduling through CMC
- 14. Publication
- 15. User Security
- 16. Modify Settings for Applications
- 17. Access Levels