Best Azure training institute in Bangalore

Azure training course content
The following 2 free online video courses can help you understand the basics of cloud computing and Azure.
Commonly asked Azure interview questions. Please share this page if you find these Azure resources useful.
1. What is Cloud Computing?
Cloud Computing is the delivery of Computing services-including servers, storage, databases, networking, software over the Internet to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies.
2. Types of Cloud Computing?
There are three types of Cloud Computing. They are private cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud.
3. What is azure?
Azure is a huge collection of servers and networking hardware, which runs a complex set of distributed applications.
4. What is Azure used For?
Microsoft Azure, formerly known as Windows Azure, is Microsoft's public cloud computing platform. It provides a range of cloud services, including compute, analytics, storage and networking.
5. How Azure works?
Once customers subscribe to Azure, they have access to all the services Avilable in the Azure portal. Subscribers can use these services to create cloud-based resources, such as virtual machines (VM) and databases.
6. What is compute in Microsoft Azure?
Azure compute services are the hosting services responsible for building new applications or deploying existing ones. Azure compute provides the infrastructure you need to run your applications, these include Azure Virtual Machines (VMs), Azure Container Service, Azure App Services, Azure Batch.
7. What is Azure Virtual Machine (VM)?
An Azure virtual machine is an on-demand and scalable computer resource that is available in Azure and used to host applications when the customer requires more control over the computing environment than what is offered by other compute resources.
8. What are different types of Azure Virtual Machines?
- General-purpose
- Compute-optimized VMs
- Memory-optimized VMs
- Storage optimized VMs
- VMs for Graphics Processing( GPUs)
9. What are the benefits of Azure Virtual Machines?
- High Availability
- High Security
- Scalability
10. What is Serverless computing in Azure?
Serverless computing enables developers to build applications faster by eliminating the need for them to manage infrastructure. With serverless applications, the cloud service provider automatically provisions, scales and manages the infrastructure required to run the code.
11. What are examples of serverless computing?
AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions and IBM OpenWhisk are all well-known examples of serverless services offered by the cloud providers.
12. What are the different ways in which cloud services are provided?
- IAAS - Infrastructure as a Service
- PAAS - Platform as a Service
- SAAS - Software as a Service
- CAAS - Containers as a Service
- FAAS - Functions as a Service (also called Serverless Computing)
13. What is Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)?
As the name implies, with Infrastructure as a Service, you rent or lease IT infrastructure (think of it as renting IT hardware) from a cloud service provider like Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Provider, Amazon Web Services or some other cloud provider.
With Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS), the cloud service provider procures and manages the infrastructure at their data center. You as the client, rent or lease this infrastructure over the internet or through a virtual private network. For the duration that you use the infrastructure, you pay a fee. You are only charged based on the number of machines and resources that are actually being used. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is also known as hardware as a service (HaaS).
14. What is a VPN (Virtual Private Network)?
A Virtual Private Network is dedicated and secure private tunnel between you (i.e your organization) and the cloud service provider.
15. Who uses Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)?
In most organisations, it is the Infrastructure team that procures servers, and computers. Install software and provide systems to employees. Set up and manage networks. So in most cases, it is usually your infrastructure team that uses Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Sometimes, even software developments teams use this service if they want to have enhanced control over the underlying hardware and network.
Infrastructure as a Service supports a diverse set of use cases - computational or storage needs. For example, you have a web application which, you can host and run. You may also use it for your storage needs. For example, install SQL Server, Oracle or some other relational database and store your relational data.
16. What are the benefits of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)?
- Reduced financial risk for our organisation : Your organisation is launching a new product and for that you need a software application. You don't know if this will be a success or not. Instead of purchasing a physical server, all the related infrastructure and workforce to setup and maintain, you can rent or lease the infrastructure from a cloud service provider like Azure for as long as you need. If your new product launch or experiment succeeds, well and good. If it doesn't shut things down and you pay no longer. Straight away, you can see how organisations can benefit from the reduced financial risk. This encourages businesses to try new things, experiment and innovate more.
- Provision resources from geographically closer locations : Cloud service providers, for example, Amazon, Microsoft and Google, have data centers all over the world. This means, with the Infrastructure as a Service, you have the option of provisioning the servers from geographic locations close to your customers.
- Unlimited scalability : You almost will never run out of resources in a public cloud. It provides near unlimited scalability. You can set threshold limits to automatically scale up and down depending on the demand.
- Deployment Speed : Just imagine the time it takes to procure physical servers, storage and the related infrastructure. You need to purchase. Get them shipped over. Create a server room or data center. Secure it. Install power supply and cooling systems. Setup and configure network. The list goes on. You also need to hire skilled people to do all these. It takes a considerable amount of time to have all these in place. Probably days, sometimes even months in worst case scenarios.
On the other hand, if you are using, Infrastructure as a Service, you point your browser to the cloud service provider web portal, and with a few clicks in just a few minutes you have one or many virtual machines procured. So you can see the speed with which we can procure and start using cloud infrastructure. So you really get time to focus on what matters to your business.
Cloud Computing Introduction
- Introduction to Cloud Computing
- Cloud Characteristics
- Cloud Computing Service Models
- Deployment Models in Cloud Computing
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing
- Different Azure Certifications
Getting Starting with Azure
- Introduction to Azure
- Azure Hosting Models
- Different Azure Services(Iaas, Paas, Saas)
- Azure Subscriptions
- Understanding Azure Portal
- Azure Key Concepts
- Azure Resource Group
Understanding Azure Virtual Networks
- Overview of Azure Networking
- Understanding Virtual Network and its Benefits
- Understanding Network Resources
- Implement and manage virtual networking
- Create a VNet using Azure Portal
- Create a Subnet
- Configure private and public IP addresses
- Create Network Interface Card with public, and private IP addresses
- Create a Virtual Machine
- Setup Network Security Group
- Create security rules
- Associate NSG to a subnet or network interface
- Understanding Inbound & Outbound Rules
- Evaluate effective security rules
- Azure Firewall
- Understanding Azure DNS
- Configure Azure DNS
- Public and Private DNS Zones
- Create connectivity between virtual networks
- Create and configure VNET peering
- Create and configure VNET to VNET
- Verify virtual network connectivity
- Monitoring and Troubleshooting Network Connectivity
Advanced Virtual Networking
- Load Balancing
- Configure external and internal Azure Load balancer
- Load Balancing Rules
- Implement front end IP configuration
- Understanding and Creating Availability Set
- Understanding Availability Zones
- Azure Application Gateway
- Azure Traffic Manager
- Integrate on-premises network with Azure virtual network
- Site-to-Site VPN
- Express Route Solution
- Monitor and Manage Networking
- Verify, Manage and Monitor on-premises connectivity;
- Use network resource monitoring and Network Watcher
- Manage external networking and virtual network connectivity
Azure Storage Service
- About Storage Service and Account
- Creating a Storage Account
- Working with Blob Storage
- Types of Blobs (Block, Append, Page)
- Container and Metadata
- Soft Copy
- Azure Storage Explorer
- Transfer Data using AzCopy
- Programming Blob Storage
- Async Blob Copy
- Import and Export Service
- Implement and Configure CDN
- Configure Custom Domain
- Scale Blob Storage
- Storage Service Encryption
- Manage Access / Securing Storage
- Create and Manage Shared Access Signature
- Account SAS vs Service SAS
- Using Stored Access Policies
- Regenerating Keys
- Encrypt Keys using Azure Key Vault integration
- Programming in C#
- Working with Table Storage
- Understanding NoSQL Database
- Creating Table and Entities using Storage Explorer
- Entities and Properties
- Table storage vs COSMOS DB Table API
- Programming Table Storage
- Azure Queues Storage
- Understanding Async Communication using Queues
- Comparing Azure Queues and Service Bus Queues
- Programming Queues
- Azure SMB File Storage
- Common usage of File Storage
- Shares, Directory and File
- Managing Using Azure Portal
- Programming File Storage
- Azure File Sync
- Configure diagnostics, monitoring and analytics
- Capturing Metrics Data
- Analyzing Diagnostic Data
- Capturing Logs
- Retention Policies and Logging Levels
- Analyze Logs
- Enabling Monitoring
- Enabling Alerts
Resource groups
- Use Azure policies for resource groups
- Configure resource locks
- Configure resource policies
- Implement and set tagging on resource groups
- Move resources across resource groups
- Remove resource groups
Azure with Windows PowerShell and Azure CLI
- Installing the required modules
- Login to Azure Portal
- Managing Resource Group
- Managing App Service Plans and App Service Web Apps
- Create and Configure a Storage Account
- Managing Storage Accounts using PowerShell
- Azure CLI Introduction and Setup
- Creating Resources
- Listing and Formatting output
- Connect a Web App to SQL Database
- Deleting Resources
- Interactive Mode
ARM Templates
- Understanding Azure Resource Manager (ARM)
- Exporting and Importing ARM templates.
- ARM Resource Providers
- Deploy ARM Templates
- Using PowerShell
- Azure CLI
- Azure Portal
- Incremental and Complete Deployments
Azure Virtual Machine
- Introduction
- About Virtual Machine Workloads
- Create a Windows Virtual Machine using Portal / PowerShell / ARM Templates
- Deploy popular application frameworks by using Azure Resource Manager templates
- Virtual Machine Disk
- Convert Unmanaged Disk to Managed Disk
- Generalizing VM and Capture VM Images
- Upload an on-premise VHD to Storage Account and attach to VM as Data Disk
- Working with Disk Snapshot
- VM Disk Types
- VM Sizes in Azure
- Configuring VM Disk Encryption
- Perform configuration management
- VM Extensions & VM Agents
- Custom Script Extensions
- Desired State Configuration (DSC)
- Access Extension
- Virtual Machine Scale Sets
- Configure VM monitoring, configure alerts, diagnostic and monitoring storage location
Managing Data in Azure SQL Database
- Introduction / Overview of SQL Database.
- Azure SQL Managed Instance
- Comparing SQL Azure Database to Azure / On-Premise SQL Server.
- Creating and Using SQL Server and SQL Database Services.
- Azure SQL Database Tools.
- Migrating on premise database to SQL Azure.
- Dynamic Data Masking
- Transparent Data Encryption
- Planning the Deployment of an Azure SQL Database
- Elastic Pools.
- Dynamic Data Masking
- Configure SQL Database Auditing
- Export and Import of Database using .bacpac
- Manage Business Continuity / Data Recovery
- Backup and Recovery options in SQL Database
- Active GEO-Replication
- Monitoring Azure SQL Database and Alerting
App Services - Web App
- Introduction
- App Service - Application Types
- Deploy Web Apps
- Deploying Web App directly from Visual Studio
- Automate deployment from Dropbox and One Drive
- Create, configure and deploy packages
- Implement pre- and post-deployment actions
- App Service plans
- Create App Service Plan
- Migrate Web Apps between App Service plans
- Create a Web App within an App Service plan
- Configuring Web Apps
- Application Settings Configuration
- Database Connection Strings
- Configuring Handlers and Virtual Directories
- Manage App Services
- Configure a custom domain name
- Enable SSL for your custom domain
- Understanding Deployment Slots and Roll back deployments
- App Service Protection
- Manage Roles for an App service
- Configure Web Apps for scale and resilience
- Horizontal and Vertical Scaling of a Web App
- Configure auto-scale
- Change the size of an instance
- Monitoring, Debugging and Diagnosis
- Retrieve Diagnostics data
- View Streaming Logs
- Configure endpoint monitoring
- Configuring Alerts
- Configure diagnostics
- Use remote debugging
- Monitor Web App resources
- Azure Traffic Manager to Scale out Globally
Azure Functions
- About Azure Functions.
- Azure Webjobs vs Azure Functions
- Create and Configure an Azure Function
- Create an event processing function
- Http Triggered Function
- Timer Triggered Function
- Blog Storage Triggered Function
- Implement an Azure-connected functions
- Adding message to Storage Queue
- Connecting to SQL Database
- Creating Azure Functions through Visual Studio
- Azure Durable Functions
Azure Logic Apps
- Introduction
- Triggers and Actions
- Creating a Simple Logic App
- Handling array of Items using for-each and condition
- Logic App with Variables
- About Enterprise Application Pack
- Add Custom Function with Azure Function
- Creating Custom Connectors
- Using Custom API App in Logic App
- Azure Functions vs Logic Apps
- Building Logic Apps in Visual Studio.NET
App Service - API Apps
- Introduction
- Creating an API App
- Deploying an API App
- Consuming an API App
- Authentication and Authorization in API App
- Using API App in Logic App
API Management Service
- Overview of API Management
- Components of API Management System
- API Apps vs API Management
- Create managed APIs
- Configure API management policies
- Protect APIs with rate limits
- Add caching to improve performance
Azure Service Bus
- Service Bus Basics
- Hosting WCF Service in Azure
- Relayed Messaging
- Service Bus Queues
- Topics and Subscriptions
- Handling Transactions
- Handling Sessions
Azure Event Grid
- Introduction
- Event Source and Event Handlers
- Comparing with Service Bus Queues and Topics
- Route storage events to Azure Functions
- Monitor VM changes using Event Grid and Logic Apps
Azure Event Hub
- Overview
- Key Architecture Components
- Sample Event Producer and Consumer in C#
Key Vault
- Secrets vs Keys Vs Certificates
- Accessing Keys and Secrets
- When to go for Key Vault
- Use Azure Key Vault from a Web Application
- Using Key Vault with ARM Template
- Encrypt and Decrypt BLOBS in Azure Storage
Redis Caching
- Caching Overview
- What is Redis Cache
- Creating a Redis Cache & building Redis Cache Client
- Controlling Expiration
Azure CosmosDB Service
- What is CosmosDB
- Global Replication and Consistency Levels
- Understanding SQL Model database Schema
- Creating and Saving Documents using Portal
- Programming Schema
- Adding / Editing / Deleting and Reading Documents
Azure Search Service
- About Search Service
- Create Search Service
- Create Index
- Import Data
- Handle Search Results
- Programming Search in .NET using Azure Search SDK
Implement Azure Backup
- Overview of Azure Backup
- Configure VM backup
- Create Recovery Services Vault
- Define and Implement backup policies
- Perform VM restore
- Perform backup operation
- Configure and review backup reports
Manage Azure Subscriptions
- Understanding Azure Subscriptions
- Configuring Role Based Access Control
- RBAC using Portal
- RBAC using PowerShell and CLI
- Custom Roles for RBAC
- Managing Subscription Policies
- Locking Resources
- Checking Resources Limits
- Resource Tags
Managing and Securing Identities using Azure Active Directory
- Azure AD Introduction
- Azure AD Editions
- Managing Active Directories
- Adding a custom domain name to Azure AD
- Managing Azure AD Users, Groups and Devices
- Adding Partner Users from other organization
- Configure Windows 10 with Azure AD domain join
- Synchronizing On-Premise AD Identities with Azure AD
- Azure AD Connect
- Azure AD User Sign-In Options
- Password Synchronization
- Passthrough Authentication
- Federated SSO
- Multi Factory Authentication
- Conditional Access Policy
- Access Reviews
- Privilege Identity Management
- Integrating SaaS Applications with Azure AD for SSO
- Add Users and Groups to Application
- Revoke access to SaaS Applications
- Managed Identities
Programming Secure Applications using Azure Active Directory
- Application Types Scenarios
- Multi-Tenant vs Single-Tenant
- Integrating ASP.NET MVC Applications with Azure AD
- Integrating ASP.NET Web API Applications with Azure AD
- Claims Based Authentication
- Role Based Authentication
- Implementing Azure AD B2C Collaboration
- Microsoft Graph API
Azure Monitoring and Log Analytics Workspace
- Azure Monitor Overview
- Monitoring Metrics
- Monitoring Logs
- Log Analytic Workspace
- Collect data from Azure VM / Windows computer
- Azure Activity Logs
- Azure Diagnostics Logs
- Application Insight
Migrate Servers to Azure
- Overview of Cloud Migration
- Azure Site Recovery
- Migrating the Virtual Machine
- Migrating the SQL Database
- Failover and Failback Process
DevOps Introduction
- Traditional Software Development Life Cycle
- Waterfall Model
- About Agile Methodology
- What is DevOps?
- DevOps Practices?
- The Challenge
- Benefits of DevOps over Traditional IT
- DevOps Tools
- What is CI and CD
- DevOps as a profession – DevOps Engineer
Azure DevOps
- What is Azure DevOps
- Version History
- Azure DevOps Features
- Azure DevOps Tools and Project Life Cycle
- Create DevOps Account
- Create Organization
- Create Project and Get Started
- Create Users and invite team members
Azure Boards
- Introduction
- Working with Work Items
- Epic, Feature, User Story, Task, Bug and Test Cases
- Linking Items
- Collaborate with Team members
- Follow a Work Item
- Dashboards
- Capacity Planning with Sprints
- List work items using Queries
Azure Repos, GitHub and GIT
- Version control using Git
- What is Git, Azure Repos and GitHub
- Install Git Locally
- Getting Started with Git Commands
- Updating to DevOps Repository
- Working with Branches
- Merging Branches
- Creating and Committing a Pull Request
- Add a rule to Require a Review
- Squash Merging during Pull Request
- Working with Merge Conflicts
- Cherry-Picking and Rebase
- Undo Changes using Reset and Revert
- Ignoring files using gitignore
- Managing Git Branches in Azure Repos
- Branch Policies and Branch Permissions
- Branches in Folders
- Working the GitHub Repositories
- Branching Workflow Types
- Feature Branching
- Gitflow Branching
- Forking Workflow
- Summary of Git Commands
Continuous Integration using Azure Build Pipelines
- About Azure DevOps Pipeline
- Understanding the Build Process
- Create a Pipeline using Classic Editor
- Enable Continuous Triggers for Build Pipeline
- Add a status badge to Repository
- Working with Task Groups
- Validate Pull Request based on Build Pipeline result
- Add a Widget to Dashboard
Continuous Integration using YAML Pipelines
- Understanding YAML file format
- Building Azure DevOps Pipeline using YAML
- Publishing results to Artifacts
- Triggering Continuous Integration in YAML
- Filtering Tasks based on branch being built
- Using Templates to Build Multiple Configurations
- Build on Multi-Platform pipeline
Integrating Quality Tests in Azure Pipeline
- Overview of Testing
- Add Unit Tests to your Application
- Integrating Unit Test with CI Pipeline
- Add the Test Widget to Dashboard
- Perform Code Coverage Testing using Cobertura
Continuous Deployment using Azure Pipelines
- What is Continuous Delivery
- Connecting to Azure Subscription
- Deploying App to App Service using Designer
- Multi-State Pipeline
- Approvals and Gates
- Working with Task Groups
- Deploying App to Virtual Machine
- Deploying App to App Service using YAML
- Add the deployment State to the pipeline
- Deploy Apps to Specific Environment
- Deploy Azure Functions
Deep Dive into CI ad CD Pipeline
- Introduction
- Retention Policies
- About Build Agents
- About Agent Pools
- Create Self Hosted Windows Agent
- About Libraries
- Variables
- Secure Files
- Pipeline Conditions
- Pipeline Demands
- Integrating Pipeline with Microsoft Teams
Working with SQL Database
- Creating a Database Project
- Database Deployment using DACPAC
- Deploying Database using SQL Scripts in Pipeline
- Using Multiple Stages and Approvals
IaC using ARM Templates
- About Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
- About ARM Templates
- Sample to Create Storage Account using ARM Template
- Deploy Templates using PowerShell
- Deploy Templates using Azure Portal
- Deploy Templates using Azure Pipeline
- Incremental and Complete Deployment
- Creating VM using ARM Template
- Create linked ARM Templates
- Creating Resource Group and Resources at Subscription Level
IaC using Terraform Templates
- Overview of Terraform
- Terraform Files Structure
- Terraform Commands
- Run a Terraform plan from Azure Cloud Shell
- Provision Terraform Tasks in Azure Pipeline - Classic Editor
- Provision Terraform Task in Azure Pipeline - YAML File
IaC using Ansible
- Overview of Ansible
- Ansible Workflow
- Ansible Components
- Installing Ansible
- Playbook Structure
- Executing a Playbook
Azure Artifacts
- What are Artifacts
- Public and download Build Artifacts
- Publish and download Pipeline Artifacts
- Working with Feed and NuGet Packages
- Share Packages Publicly
- Public NuGet Package from Pipeline to NuGet Feeds
- Upstream Sources and View
Continuous Integration using Jenkins
- Jenkins Management
- Adding a slave node to Jenkins
- Building Delivery Pipeline
- Pipeline as a Code
Working with Containerization using Docker
- What is Docker and its Benefits
- Docker Architecture
- Steps to Create Docker Image
- Build and Publish Docker Image to Docker Hub using Azure Pipeline
- Build and Publish Docker Image to Azure Container Registry using Azure Pipeline
- Deploying to Web App
- Deploying a Docker Container in VM or Local Machine using Docker Compose
Working with Kubernetes
- Deploying Applications to Kubernetes Cluster
- What is Kubernetes
- Kubnetes Server and Client Components
- Creating an AKS Cluster
- Writing Deployment and Service YAML files
- Deploying the Application using Kubectl
- Building a CI and CD Pipeline for Deploying to Kubernetes Cluster
About Instructor
Price: Free
688 Enrolled
- Enroll Dates: Enroll Anytime
- Course Dates: April 13, 2022 - No End Date
- Enrollment: Anyone
- Language: English
- Includes: Certificate of Completion