Introduction to C

C language was developed by Dennis M Ritchie in the year 1972.

  • It is an evergreen and non-exhaustive programming language.
  • It was derived from B language.
  • C language was developed for the UNIX operating system. The entire UNIX operating system was developed in C.

Why C execution is faster?

C execution is very faster when compared to high-level languages like Java because C doesn't need an abstraction layer such as JVM( Virtual machine). where It can directly be compiled and executed on the bare computer machine.

The c program is a platform-independent but c executables are platform-dependent. Once you write a C program you can compile it anywhere. But, If you generate a C executable on Linux machine you cannot run it on windows. We should need to re-compile the same program in windows to get windows compatible executables.

Why C?

Legacy programming languages such as C was highly recommended for beginners to understand the basic programming constructs in a clear and precise manner. Syntax and semantics of the C language were pretty easy to understand and nearly the same as widely used modern programming languages such as C++, Java and C#. 

The most powerful and important concepts such as pointers, arrays, loops and dynamic memory allocations etc, will make you understand how actually allocating, accessing and modifying data will be done on the computer.

Yes, In recent years competitive programming (Codechef, HackerRank, TopCoder, SPOJ) gained huge popularity among young programmers. Companies such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook wants a programmer to be good at Data Structures and Algorithms.

C++ the successor of C language is highly recommended for competitive programming because, In competitive programming, high priority will be given to both space and time complexity.

C++ runs a bit faster when compared to modern programming languages. C++ is one level abstraction to C. So as I said earlier if you know C then coding in C++ is not a big challenge.

Conclusion :

If you are a beginner and want to become a good programmer then start your learning with C. Later you can switch to modern programming languages such as C++, Java and Python. Switching to these languages after C is like a cakewalk because C will make you strong enough in the basics of programming.

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